AIS USA Slide images

The AUS USA Foundation exists to support quality education for Australian and United States educational institutions.

AIS USA Slide images

Our Vision

The AUS USA Foundation was created specifically to give US based alumni, friends and funding organizations a way to support educational institutions in Australia.


Supporting Australian Educational Institutions

From its beginnings in mid 2006 til current, the AUS USA Foundation has received gifts totaling over $2,000,000.


The AUS USA Foundation

The Australian Universities & Schools USA Foundation was incorporated in the United States in 2006 and has been granted tax-exempt 501 (c)(3) status by the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Gifts to the Foundation are tax deductible for US taxpayers and may be of benefit to Canadians with US tax liability.

Donating to the Foundation

From student bursaries and scholarships; to the building of new facilities, to teacher professional development programs, our affiliated institutions, staff and students will benefit from your gift to the Foundation.

We make giving easy!

Please consider your next gift to the AUS USA Foundation and in doing so, support Australian youth who will be our leaders of tomorrow.

Donate here.