St Kevin’s College
31 Moonga Road, Toorak VIC 3142
Kevin Culliver OAM
Secretary, St Kevin’s College Foundation
St Kevin’s College is an independent Catholic primary and secondary school for boys located in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. We have a strong academic tradition where each boy is encouraged to take responsibility for his own learning in an environment that values knowledge and scholarship. We strive for the development of the whole person integrating spiritual development, academic success, cultural awareness and sporting participation in the context of the Catholic tradition. The St Kevin’s community is based on family. This extended family of students, teachers, parents and old collegians forms a community that is wholeheartedly committed to the Christian education of young men, in the tradition of Edmund Rice.
St Kevin’s College Foundation
St Kevin’s College Foundation extends the holistic values-based education that St Kevin’s provides to young men whose circumstances are such that this education would otherwise not be available to them and where the student displays the ability to contribute to the life of the College.
The St Kevin’s College Foundation Bursaries are available to new and existing students who, without this financial assistance, would be unable to attend the College. These Bursaries are subject to an annual review of academic performance and demonstration of the appropriate level of commitment and participation. Applications are made directly to the Principal with supporting evidence of a student’s ability to contribute to the life of the College. For further information, visit the College’s Scholarships and Bursaries page.
Ways to Support the Foundation
St Kevin’s College Foundation Membership
Becoming a member of the St Kevin’s College Foundation is one of the most valuable investments a person can make towards future generations of the School. It also ensures St Kevin’s continues to foster links with past and current students and families.
Apply for membership
Qualification for membership of the Foundation is by making a donation to the Foundation of at least $5,000 within a 5-year period.
To apply for membership, please email the completed Membership Application Form to
US Residents who wish to make a tax deductable donation can donate through the website
Residents of Australia or other countries can provide payment details on the Membership Application Form , or donate online.
Should you have any questions please contact the Foundation Secretary, Kevin Culliver OAM on
+61 3 9832 4974 or
As an alternative to applying for membership, individuals can become a Friend of the Foundation by making financial gifts from time to time to the Foundation in amounts of their choosing.
US Residents who wish to make a tax deductable donation can donate through the website
Residents of Australia or other countries can donate online here or complete the Membership Application Form completing the One Time donation section. Donate button on page.
A bequest is a gift in your memory, made through your will.
Making a Bequest is a way of expressing appreciation for the benefits the College has provided to you or members of your family. It is also for any person, a means of ensuring that the benefits of being part of the St Kevin’s College community continue into the future.
If you wish to become a member by making a bequest in your will, please contact the Foundation Secretary on (03) 9832 4974 or