176 Walker Street, North Sydney, NSW 2060
Tel: + 61 2 9409 4400
Eml: reception@wenona.nsw.edu.au
Wenona Foundation Office
Ms Marie Soghomonian
Executive Director, Wenona Foundation
Tel: (02) 9409 4413
Eml: foundation@wenona.nsw.edu.au
Web: wenona.nsw.edu.au
Wenona School (founded 1886) is an independent, non-denominational, day and boarding school for girls, located in the Sydney suburb of North Sydney, in New South Wales, Australia.
The Wenona Foundation
The Wenona Foundation Limited, established in 1999, is the vehicle for administering the School’s development programs and fostering philanthropy.
The Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors made up of parents, past parents and alumni. Regular opportunities to contribute to Wenona include the Annual Giving appeal; donations with tuition fees each term; and bequests.
Periodic capital appeals are conducted to raise funds for specific building projects or scholarship projects. Donors are welcomed and recognised as members of the Foundation. With the support of the Wenona community, the School continues to develop the most advanced facilities available for teaching and learning for young women.
Donations to any of the Foundation funds are always welcome. The beneficiaries are the students of Wenona.