Ascham School
188 New South Head Rd, Edgecliff NSW 2027
Diana Lovegrove
Ascham Foundation
Tel: 61 2 8356 7582
Since its foundation in 1886, Ascham has continued to be a centre of excellence for the education of girls and young women, and we uphold this standard proudly.
We are a school that:
- is non-selective yet consistently achieves outstanding academic results for girls of all abilities
- has a unique learning environment based on the philosophy of the Dalton Plan, where girls form close relationships with their teachers as they manage their own timetables to suit their individual study needs
- offers a tertiary—oriented academic curriculum while encouraging girls to participate in a wide range of activities including the arts, community service, leadership, sport and overseas experiences
- is without religious affiliation and is committed to developing confident, healthy, socially responsible girls with strong values and a sense of purpose
- cherishes the diverse individuality of each girl and encourages her peers to do the same
- offers P–12 on a single campus close to Sydney’s CBD, with a strong boarding program comprised largely of girls from rural areas
- values the benefits of a supportive community network, not only while girls are at School but also in their careers and personal lives thereafter
- attracts and retains teachers who inspire and innovate.
Ascham Foundation Ltd
All gifts to the School are managed by Ascham Foundation Ltd, which works closely with Ascham’s Council of Governors in distributing donor funds to the School.
Every significant investment in the future of the School has been made possible because of the generous financial support of the Ascham community. The Ascham that girls, parents, staff and Old Girls enjoy today owes its thanks to those who have given from their hearts.
Opportunities for giving
All of our Scholarships and Boarding Bursaries are means-tested and are for girls who would not otherwise have the opportunity to attend Ascham. Scholarships, bursaries and prizes have always been a fundamental part of narrowing the gap, encouraging and rewarding hard work and with that setting standards for diligence and excellence. Increasing our capacity to provide scholarships at Ascham through a sustainable Scholarship Fund is the best way to secure long-term support for deserving students.
Supporting the Building Fund will ensure that our facilities can remain relevant and functional for present and future generations. Creating and building dedicated precincts for all subject areas is fundamental to future plans and we encourage you to consider supporting our vision.
A Gift in your Will is a powerful and enduring gift transcending time, providing for the future sustainability of scholarships and preserving the campus of the future.
Gifts in Wills have a long tradition at Ascham. In 1948 a bequest of £10,000 from the Littlejohn family enabled the purchase of The Dower House and Fiona—a true legacy. Recent Gifts in Wills and donations to the Building Fund have spearheaded the purchase and development of our new Centre for the Sciences.
Ascham Foundation appreciates gifts of all sizes. Every gift, large and small, from a wide base of donors can help to build a sizeable sum.
Further information about the Foundation, or about including a Gift in your Will to Ascham can be found by visiting: